Thanks for these memories. Yes we take too much for granted, and often forget our grand-parents have had to fight for what we have now. Let’s be grateful and respectful and do not allow ourselves to spill their sacrifices !

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Precisely. Very well put.

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Love this : History isn’t just something that happened... it’s something our forebears lived. Every era, no matter how distant, was filled with lives as vivid and complex as our own. What stood out? all of them , for each displays Hope, courage, rising above tragedy ( the 1951 marathon), living vibrantly despite war (bride photo), unbounded job ( daddy's home, and the boy with shoes). I will share these photos with my students. May I ask where you found the archive for these?

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Amazing! Many are from the Getty archives and Wikipedia Creative Commons.

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Always remind myself to have a attitude of gratitude,don’t take things for granted

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I hope Werfel had a good life.

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Werfel. I still recall my son's great joy in getting a pair of penny loafers when he was 3 years old.

His joy could not have been greater or more pure. Werfel's face is beauty and meaning and goodness and truth all wrapped into one, and it makes my heart sing.

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These photos can remind us of our humanity even when put through inhuman experiences

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Some of these made me cry.

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Thanks for posting this!

It's touching...

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The little orphan overjoyed to have new shoes even if too big. It makes me sad that some have nothing and others want for nothing. War makes me so sad. Humans need to hurry up and evolve ffs.

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Loooved the photos,my sister likes photography and she fell in love with these!!!


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